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Reckonings: Pluto Returns! Part I: The Myth of America

Join Rabbi Tirzah Firestone, prayer artist and mystic witch Janet Conner, and elemental astrologer and depth numerologist Emma Kupu Mitchel for this once in a lifetime astrological opportunity.

2022 is a year of collective reckonings. By now it is abundantly clear that many old patriarchal systems are collapsing and new ways of living on Mother Earth are struggling to be born. But before this can happen, we have some reckonings to do. And Pluto, the powerful guru planet of death and regeneration, is calling each of us to take our part in the alchemical healing potential of the sacred work of reckoning.

Pluto is rattling our planet three times this year in February, July, and December as he begins his return after 248 years back to his natal position in Capricorn on the birth chart of the United States on July 4, 1776. As he enters Capricorn—the sign of ageless grandmother wisdom—Pluto creates powerful ripples not just in the United Sates, but all around the globe, and within each one of us.

On Sunday, February 20, the first of three momentous Plutonian experiences in 2022, we will gather ritually to root down, face, and transmute the dark history of our civilization’s past deeds—the traumas induced by patriarchy, racism, and the destructive greed and consumption that capitalism has wreaked on Mother Earth.

Alone, the task would seem overwhelming. But the good news is that we have a powerful surge of evolutionary energy available to us right now. And we have our wise and well ancestors on board. Plus, we are surrounded by endlessly good Celestial Powers who invite us to operate at higher frequencies of consciousness and love. And—of the utmost importance—we have one another. Our prayer-filled, love-filled, open-hearted community. We are each other’s healing medicine.

You do not have to live in the United States or know any astrology to richly benefit.

In Reckonings Part 1: The Myth of America, we will share a rich 108-minute immersion in:

Prayer & Ritual

Planetary Wisdom

Ancestral Guidance

Deep Soul Writing

Janet will open our Theatre of the Miraculous experience with the prayer “Because They Could Not Speak”

Emma will guide us into the celestial wisdom of the moment, both external and internal

Tirzah will invite us into an Ancestral Healing Ritual surrounded by our Ancestral Guides, where we will do the work of unearthing the burial grounds of our ancestral histories and give honor to those who were lost, oppressed, or dishonored

Registration will include live online event, special resource page, event recording, bonus video and audio, access to a private facebook group, and more!

This is Part I of a 3-part series that will continue in July and December, 2022.


December 19

Abracadabra! A Winter Solstice Prayer Experience

March 20

Living in Radical Presence to Elevate & Transform Your Life: A Free Online Teaching