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Ignite Your Soul's Power for 2023: Winter Solstice Ritual, Meditation, and Star Infusion

Live Gathering

Sunday, December 18, 2022
2:00-3:48PM Eastern, 1pm Central, 12pm Mountain, 11am Pacific, 10am Alaska, 9am Hawaii, 7pm UK, 8pm Europe, 9pm Finland
Event is 108 minutes.

Winter Solstice is the time to clarify intentions and energize our prayers for increased health, wisdom, and connectivity in the coming year.

Join our annual global gathering and augment the potency of your soul power with sacred ritual, guided meditation, celestial wisdom, and embodied practices.

Prayer Artist Janet Conner, Celestial Wizard Emma Mitchell, and Kabbalah Scholar Rabbi Tirzah Firestone welcome you!

An invitation to ritual…

For three years, Rabbi and Kabbalah scholar, Tirzah Firestone, Shamanic astrologer and depth numerologist, Emma Kupu Mitchell, and Payer Artist Jannet Conner have invited you to sit around a virtual fire on the Sunday before the Winter Solstice and open our inner ears and sacred hearts to hear Solstice sing her song. This passage—from the dark and cold of the longest Winter night (in the Northern Hemisphere) to a silent dawn breathing whisps of sunlight that promise the return of Spring—is always pregnant with possibility. But in all the commercial commotion swirling around our various winter holidays, it’s easy to miss the moment. And let the song go unheard.

But we need this song. We need this song this Winter Solstice more than ever.

The Equinoxes and Solstices mark four sacred moments when our mother the Earth, our father the Sun, and our grandmother the Moon invite us to step into resonance with them, listening as they sing the eternal truth of the Sacred Feminine: life begets death, death begets rebirth. Turning and returning. We are born and reborn into Love. This is Her eternal truth.

This is the song our pre-patriarchal ancestors knew. This is the sacred song of all life—animal, plant, human. We need this song. We need this song this December, more than ever. Because this Winter Solstice is a threshold moment, not just for the rebirth of the light to welcome one new year, but for a rebirth we have been longing for for thousands of years.

Together we will…

  • Create sacred space with invocation and prayer

  • Take a moment to look back at 2022, acknowledging all that happened

  • Consider the ramifications of the massive shifts happening in our solar system this Solstice:

    • Pluto is making his third and final pass on the natal point of the US in Capricorn, asking us what we have learned about power structures and power over and power under

    • Mars is deep in retrograde asking us to redefine our relationship with the Yang, the masculine, and stale ways of using power

    • Jupiter, the planet of expansion, is at 0° of Aries, activating the world axis point, infusing us with massive initiation energy and conscious expansion

    • Mercury is preparing to retrograde to close out this momentous year—perfect cap to an intense year of preparation

  • In deep soul writing and meditation, we will explore two critical questions for this Solstice moment:

o   What gifts and greatness do I want to amplify? 

o   How do I choose to redefine my personal power and will?

  • In a closing embodiment practice, we will bring Jupiter into our hearts and Mars into our Solar Plexis

The gathering will be recorded and available to all registrants on a pass-word protected resource page within 24 hours. In addition, Emma Kupu Mitchell is offering a special crystal sound meditation for the Solstice, Tirzah is offering a recorded meditation for the actual Solstice day, and Janet is offering two of her prayer artist prayers.

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