
Rainbow Lasers Rainbow Lasers

Gevurah: Channeling the Ever-Flow of Love [Kabbalah Root Medicine Series]

During the week of Passover, we felt and prayed for an increased flow of dew and richness, faith and love, to come down to us like a waterfall, or invisibly as dew in the night. Now, during this week of Gevurah, we work to establish the structures, grounding, and discipline to carry and deliver Chesed energy into our lives in useful ways…

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Rainbow Lasers Rainbow Lasers

Kabbalah Root Medicine

As spring blossoms throughout the land, let us journey together to gather the deep root medicine of Kabbalah, the Jewish mystical path, as a guide for our hearts and a balm for our souls. The ancient tradition of counting Omer — the seven weeks between Passover and Shevuot — begins today, March 29. Each week, I’ll be sharing teachings to help us use these weeks to meditate on the divine presence in and around us, and to cultivate our own goodness…

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Rainbow Lasers Rainbow Lasers

Healing Ancestral Trauma to Heal Our Democracies

As we approach the first anniversary of COVID lockdowns around the world, the possibility of accessing vaccines brings some relief after a year of civil, economic, and racial upheaval. Here in the U.S., as we embark on a more hopeful era under the Biden-Harris administration, we look ahead for ways to put an end to the “uncivil war” that came to a violent head on January 6.

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Rainbow Lasers Rainbow Lasers

What Kabbalah Says about this Solstice

Last night, as the moon floated in her dark ocean and owls called to one another across the naked landscape, a celestial summit occurred. Two great beings—Jupiter and Saturn—came together in a Great Conjunction, elegantly coinciding with the Winter Solstice.

In Kabbalah, these two ancient planets Jupiter and Saturn are associated with Chesed and Gevurah, respectively. Chesed (blessings, mercy, loving kindness) and Gevurah (structure, discipline, capacity to hold) are like two wings of a great bird. Both are needed to fly…

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Rainbow Lasers Rainbow Lasers

Usable Wisdom for the Three Weeks Before Election Day

Happy new moon of Cheshvan! This Shabbat is a time of renewal when we re-scroll the Torah to begin again at Genesis—and revel in the ongoing powers of creation.

We will need it! Our 2020 election is 18 days away, and any way we slice it, these will be formidable times. They require each of us be grounded, steady, and connected to our highest values.

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Rainbow Lasers Rainbow Lasers

The Justice Our Ancestors Compel Us Toward...

Our souls communicate in images, Jung said. And right now, our country is galvanized by one image: the brutal murder of George Floyd. It is one image amidst a sea of images, one hate crime amidst an endless tally of white supremacist hatred. But this week it was one too many.

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Rainbow Lasers Rainbow Lasers

A soothing song as the crisis wears on us

I hope this quick note finds you and your family well and safe. Despite the urge we might all be feeling to spring out of COVID confinement, please be careful! While the lovely weather invites us out, the celestial wisdom is counseling otherwise.

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Rainbow Lasers Rainbow Lasers

The Sacred Meaning of COVID-19

Life has changed radically in the past few days. As the COVID-19 virus spreads throughout the world, we are being forced to recalibrate our lives, our habits, and the speed at which we travel.

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Rainbow Lasers Rainbow Lasers

This Passover: Unknown Territory

I write this as a gigantic moon rises overhead, paling the night sky and all her shimmering stars. Maybe this is what our ancestors felt as they stepped out of their homes, children strapped on their backs, plodding under starless skies into the Sea of Reeds uncertain if the waters would part. Maybe this is what our ancestors felt as they journeyed over the Carpathian Mountains, onto Danish fishing boats, and over the Pakistani border seeking freedom.

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Rainbow Lasers Rainbow Lasers

My Visit to San Quentin: Transformation Behind Bars

In a world where truth and justice are so often twisted, veiled, and falsified, last week I found my faith restored in a most unexpected place, the San Quentin Corrections Facility in Northern California.

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Rainbow Lasers Rainbow Lasers

Calling Our Ancestors into the Sukkah

Here's an ancient mystical tradition that may interest you: When we enter the Sukkah* each evening, we make an incantation to our ancestors, the matriarchs and patriarchs of Jewish life. They are called USHPIZIN, the sacred ancestral guests who dwell in the invisible realm…

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Rainbow Lasers Rainbow Lasers

Cracking our hearts open... Four Yom Kippur Meditations

The Zohar* tells us that just before Rosh Hashanah, the moon gets dangerously shrouded, like a jewel encased in stone. It is our task to break open the layers covering her to free this celestial jewel to shine her light on the world. For without her light, the world cannot survive…

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Rainbow Lasers Rainbow Lasers

Tapping the New Moon's Magic

The new moon of the Jewish month Elul is upon us: fresh and invigorating. The Hassidic masters taught that this is the month when the Divine forces cross over to our human realm, to listen closely to our prayers, commiserate with our human pain, and give us strength to grow beyond ourselves.

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Rainbow Lasers Rainbow Lasers

To Touch the Eternal

“Our ancestors connect us to the eternal realm, too. When we are in relationship with them we open to the Eternal within, the part of us that does not die. I discovered the ancestors' magic slowly, and only after great reluctance.”

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Rainbow Lasers Rainbow Lasers

Healing Trauma in the Form of Art

On Sunday night, June 2, we gathered at Congregation Nevei Kodesh for The Internal Fable of the Ancestors, a rare and beautiful evening dedicated to the healing of body, soul and community.

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Rainbow Lasers Rainbow Lasers

The Paradox of Passover

Passover is here with all of its beautiful spring bustle. Like many Jewish traditions, this 8-day holiday offers us a variety of doors to enter. There is the nostalgic door, through which we savor the familiar tunes, aromas, wine-stained books, and fragrant foods—all invitations to the childlike heart.

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